She raises the most beautiful rabbits I've ever seen
Boomer - Mini Rex (Velveteen Rabbit) |
Cassidy - Lion Head |
Jasmine - Black Otter |
Popsicle - Flemish Giant/New Zealand White cross |
Lilac - Mini Rex |
Bear - Black Otter |
Peaches - White Mini Rex |
Orange Julius - English Lop |
When an animal does not meet any of these personal criteria then it must be culled.
When it got close to time for Siann to have her litter of babies she became very aggressive. This was undesirable but tolerable, but when she later killed 8 of the 9 babies she was raising, Debbie decided that these genetics would not be passed on so she invited me to come learn how to skin a rabbit.
* rabbit
* kitchen scissors
* string (approx 3 ft)
* utility knife
* plastic bag
* bucket (2)
* clean water
* salt
Sian was put down instantly and mercifully.
STEP 1: Tie loop in string. wrap both feet behind hock to hang |
STEP 2: Hang at eye level |
Step 3: To remove tail - twist and pull |
Step 4: shave to see skin - make hole in Step 5: Cut V from legs to genitals
skin and cut around both feet
Step 6: Punch finger through 1st membrane below genitals at the top of thighs
If you accidentally puncture inner membrane (above), pinch shut and gently pull skin down away from tear
Step 8: Place garbage bag behind work area to keep meat clean. Using kitchen scissors cut around tail area keeping tail fur intact.
Fur keeps anus and fecal bacteria away from meat
Step 9: Gather fur and pull down. Punch finger through membrane at front legs
Step 10: Pull fur to the end of wrist-bone. Cut at wrists |
Step 12: Carefully cut skin around head until head is clear
Step 13: Cut hide down the middle and turn the feet out
Finally - Place hide in a bucket of clean water and gently squish to get the air bubbles out - DO NOT WRING FUR!
Now you have two options:
* You can leave the hide soaking in the bucket while you deal with your rabbit meat- which will be another blog post or
*You can salt and dry your rabbit fur - which will also be another post
This whole process was quick and efficient. It is obvious Debby is experienced and her system is fine-tuned. With practice this technique would work for anyone.
Great Explanation